Enemy of the Academic
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Thursday, January 29, 2004  

Its My Birthday,

Posted at 2:40 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Edited: January 29th, 3:59PM

January 29th, the day that the world celebrates my spewing forth from my mother's loins. To be honest with you, I don't consider my birthday to be a big deal anymore, ever since my family stopped throwing those gradeschool parties with clowns and stupid hats, there just hasn't been anything special about my birthday. Not that I ever appreciated the efforts at the time. I hated those damned clowns, they were always trying to pull their shit on me.

Its college. We don't bring cupcakes in for the class to enjoy anymore. My professors couldn't give half a shit if it was my birthday, they barely even care about real holidays, like President's Day, or Spring Break. All of this adds up to the simple fact: birthdays suck after grade school. We are conditioned at a young age to believe that our birthdays are somehow special days, but once you leave the cocoon of K-6, nobody treats them like that anymore. The result is one very dissapointed Brian, who still has a 10:00 AM class to go to, and a speech to deliver for his 1:00 PM.

Of course, there are the exceptions. There is one birthday in there during high school (usually 16 or 17) when you get your driver's license, which for me, also resulted in a "day off" from school. Then there is the 21st birthday, when you can finally throw out your fake ID, and reveal to the bartender that although yesterday you were Sergio Markson, a 22 year old from Connecticut, today you are Todd Wilson, a 21 year old from Wisconsin. Boy will his face be red.

So far, although it is onlu 3am, thanks to instant messenging, and an away message that states, "Guess what? Its my birthday!" I have guilted 4 people into wishing me a happy birthday. Also one person opened up the day by telling me "u smell." What a day.

And because its my birthday, I am going to whore for Google hits, so bear with me, I'll consider it a gift to myself:

Kobe Bryant
Sex Scandal Video
Britney Spears
Paris Hilton

Wow, thats the best gift a boy could give himself. Well, that or a suitcase full of Jergens and Kleenex.

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