Enemy of the Academic
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Friday, October 03, 2003  

Touchy-Feely or Just Touchy...

Posted at 12:32 AM
By: Brian [link]
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How can you not love baseball this time of year? I mean, its the playoffs, eight teams are vying for the World Series title, and the Red Sox are just counting down until they lose to the Athletics again.

Yeah, I am a Yankees fan, and I have been for a while, so start hating me. Whenever you tell someone that, the follow-up question is always "where are you from?" because somehow, your geographic origin makes you more or less hated as a fan of a particular team...

"Oh, you are from NJ, well, that's alright then."

Boston fans think that everyone in New England is honor-bound to support the Red Sox. You should see the expression on a Bostonian's face when they meet a Yankees fan from Connecticut; regardless of whether they live closer to New York or not, being from New England, you have committed a mortal sin to root for a team that doesn't blow their World Series hopes every year.

And the "Yankees suck..."

That evaluation is based not on any sort of qualitative or quantitative data. Its based on the fact that the Yankees win too much. As Bradd "Boston" Gross put it tonight:

[Bradd "Boston" Gross]: u see
[Bradd "Boston" Gross]: yankess win, yet they suck
[Bradd "Boston" Gross]: sox don't suck, yet they lose
[Bradd "Boston" Gross]: ;-)

Did you notice the winky face at the end there? That can be roughly translated to say "yeah, I DO know that I am completely full of crap." They beat that belief system into their young up in Boston. Perhaps its instinctual, genetic even... the ability to believe that a losing team could possibly still be the best team. Even Detroit's most devout fans know that their team blows. So would the Expos' fans, except they don't have any; the French don't like baseball.

Anyway, I will be continuing to disregard work this weekend to watch the baseball play offs, and eventually the Fall Classic itself.


If you want your email answered in Monday's update then please send it to Brian[at] You can send anything you want, and if I use your email (a very good chance), I will also link your website, if you have one.

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