Enemy of the Academic
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Thursday, October 02, 2003  

No, I'm not going to wear that

Posted at 2:29 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Tonight was the big Inter-Hall-Council-sponsored "T-shirt swap." By this point, one of three questions is running through your head; "what the hell is an Inter-Hall-Council?" or, "why are you swapping t-shirts?" or, "so, wait, people from outside Villanova read this site?" Well, the answers are as follows:

-A student-run organization that plans ridiculous events like t-shirt swaps

-Because the Inter-Hall-Council told us too...

-and well, if my dad counts, then yes.

Anyway, the t-shirt swap involves the ladies and gents of the dorm being coerced into participating in an event where guys where the t-shirts of the participating women, with the express purpose of introducing the two groups. It's real purpose is to make all of the guys in the dorm look like this guy:

Of course, somehow, even with a massive bag full of girls' t-shirts it still ended up as a sausagefest. Although there were some highlights:

1) Rollie, while wearing his swapped shirt, meets the girl it belongs to... the conversation went like this: "so, eh... can I get my t-shirt back sometime?" "yeah, here"
2) Marcinek basically had the same thing happen to him.
3) I refused to wear the shirt I pulled out. It definitely wasn't a t-shirt, it had those thin straps that chicks like, and it was quite frilly/flowery. Also, if I did manage to suck it up, I most definitely (even with my relatively diminutive stature) would have ripped the shirt to threads putting it on. I therefore never met the shirt's owner.
4) We all ate ice cream, and wondered what went wrong.

If pictures were taken then they will be up here soon.


Email me your feedback: Brian[at]

Whatever you like/hate, got an idea? Or, send a question/comment for the Monday email feature. If you wrote something funny or have a great story, then feel free to send it in, I'll probably post it during an exam week (like this one), when my material generally blows.

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