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Going On a Vacation to the Library...
Posted at 1:33 AM
Brian [link] Email This Post
The Governator
After a disappointing loss for the Yankees (and a fucking sweet victory for the Cubs...), and a game of poker (never should've bet big on those last two hands), and the fact that I have an English paper due tomorrow, I will not be writing anything substantial tonight. Instead, enjoy some links:
We've all considered offering the Rent-a-cops a beer...
I got your number on the wall... for a good time.. for a good time caaaallll...
And you thought you were lame?
Cleveland men make beer goggles a sport
Some of the coolest hair this side of mullet
This is one of them subtle ones. Its a real thinker...
Rollie, if you are reading this, then read this...
I jack a lot of pictures from these guys
Movies, music, other shit...
And don't forget that you can email
Brian[at]CollegeBlows.com and have your email and (if provided) website on the CollegeBlows.com front page on Monday. It'll make you feel special, I promise.
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