Enemy of the Academic
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Friday, October 10, 2003  

Do you get a fall break?

Posted at 1:50 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I get a "fall break," this is entirely new to me. I didn't get one last year. Its like a spring break, but colder. Also, most people aren't going anywhere in particular in the fall. Regardless, its still exciting, why? Well, I won't have to go to class for a week, and, eh... I'll be able to sleep a lot and watch a lot of TV...

Who am I kidding? I rely on the dorm for my social life now... Dorm life is like crack once you get used to it. Its so easy. Don't have anything to do tonight? Walk down the hall, or up the stairs... you'll find someone who is up to something far more entertaining than watching re-runs of "Fear Factor" and "Real World: South Pacific" all night.

So anyway, it'll probably be a boring week.

Tomorrow I have my last class before leaving campus, and then I get to answer phones at work for five grueling hours. Nothing makes you realize how much you hate people more than having to answer phones for a computer support department. How the fuck do you mistake the power button, which is big and glows, for the CD eject button, which is small and nowhere near the fucking power button?

Anyway, consider this a warning, in case you don't hear from me. There is a very real possibility that I might slip into a coma during a late night session of eating Captain Crunch and watching TV... those "Road Rules: South Pacific" folks aren't really the most exciting bunch out there... let me tell ya...

Email Brian[at] to have your message answered on Monday. Capisce?

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