Enemy of the Academic
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Saturday, April 30, 2005  

Satuday, WTF?

Posted at 6:28 PM
By: Brian [link]
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Do you ever get that feeling during an exam that drawing a picture of the professor naked and humping a donkey would get you a higher grade than the shit you're writing?

Sometimes that feeling isn't avoidable. Sometimes you actually do draw a picture of your professor naked.

The only thing that can prevent such a fate (in theory) is studying. However, studying itself is about as evil as, I dunno, Brussels sprouts. If you ask me, and you probably didn't, that's pretty god-damn evil. So what are we to do about this? Well there is one extra-specially good solution.

Alcohol, here is how it works: Lets say you have an exam at oh, 9am. You would wake up at 8am or so and play a fun game I like to call "chugging a bottle of Captain Morgans by yourself." By the end of the game, god willing, you'll need some help getting yourself to your exam on time. So make sure you arrange before hand to have a responsible friend lend you his car keys. Once you're at the exam, you sit down, and begin to write about MTV's "The Real World" before passing out.

Twelve hours later, you awaken naked in a storm drain, but you have a funny feeling that you did alright on that exam.

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