Enemy of the Academic
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Monday, April 25, 2005  

Seventeen Days vs. Fourteen Pairs of Boxers

Posted at 10:10 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Since I don't think I've reminded the world lately, I've been writing from Sunny Edinburgh, Scotland for the past four months. My time here is almost over, though, something like 17 days left, and then I return to America, to little or no fanfare whatsoever. Although, I have to admit that I do plan on being horribly drunk when I get off the plane. Horribly. Like, to a ridiculous degree and such. That's kind of like fanfare, a little -- if you consider throwing up in a Jumbo jet's bathroom to be a celebration, of course.

In the meantime, I have three exams to take, and fourteen pairs of underwear. The exams aren't something that I'm worrying about... I was planning to get abysmally low grades on them anyway, so why bother getting nervous about it, right? The real issue at hand is the underwear. With 17 days left, I am doing my laundry today, and have encountered the unique problem of having only 14 days worth of underwear.

The solutions offered to me by my advisers (drunk friends and random strangers) are numberous:

1) Wear them inside out because, "then you'll have almost a month's worth of underwear, and you'll be well over the requirement." -- Yes, very interesting, but what of the possibility of wearing my skid marks on the outside?

2) Just don't shower, showers mark the beginning of a new day, a new day means new clothes. If you don't shower, then you don't need to change your clothes.

3) Go commando. -- This is actually the most logical suggestion. Only one problem, I have a tendency to forget to zipper up.

4) Do another wash you lazy prick. -- No thank you

So, as you can see, I'm weighing my options very carefully, but I have to say that the not showering suggestion so far seems like its a pretty solid option. I mean, its got logic behind it and stuff. The possibility of doing another load of laundry before I leave is reprehensible. In fact, the load that I'm doing right now was even questionable until about 15 minutes ago.

Thats all for today. Click some extra good links and tell your friends.

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