Enemy of the Academic
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Friday, April 01, 2005  

Fooled You Good

Posted at 12:01 PM
By: Brian [link]
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If you got here by typing (or clicking a link to), then you just got April Fooled! Ha! Sucks to be you. If you somehow avoided the fooling, and are wondering what this is all about, then click here, and pretend you didn't read any of this yet, ok? Thanks.

As I was saying, as the master of April Fool-ness, this is my second annual awesome April Fools day "switcheroo" and if you intend to still be reading this drivel in a years time, then you should be aware that I'm going to do it again next year. Except next year it will be different, and ostensibly better.

In the mean time, I'd like you all to know that "POT Noodles" are not even close to being as good as their name implies. You'd think that from eating these things, you'd experience a sense of euphoria, followed by waking up randomly in some stranger's garden, crushing all of their beautiful geraniums and the only words you'd be able to produce to describe it would be (a Keanu Reeves-esque) "whoah."

However, all POT Noodles really accomplish is to give you a feeling of queasiness, and lead you to produce something that will kill the Geraniums just as easily as sleeping on them (although it would be a much more horrible death for those poor flowers). Also, the words coming out of your mouth would be more like, "oh my god, I didn't think it was legal to put dung into ramen." Followed by barfing.

Right, so don't eat those.

The redirect page is stored (until the host decides that they don't want it there any more) at in case you want to check it out. I'm off to Barcelona for the weekend to drink Sangria and shit. Its like Spanish Jungle Juice.

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