Enemy of the Academic
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Tuesday, March 08, 2005  

Prohibition Anyone?

Posted at 5:17 PM
By: Brian [link]
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Minnesota Plans to Prevent 21 Year Olds From Drinking

Ok, usually I don't do this. In fact, I never do this, ever. Today however, I'm commenting on a news story that has got my (man) titties in a twist.

Legislators in Minnesota plan to make it illegal for 21 year olds to drink at midnight on their birthday. You wouldn't be legally 21 in that state until 8am. Which means what, exactly?

Supposedly, this is all to prevent us young'uns from going out and getting drunk when we're 21, right? There were two or three cases of people who died or almost died (out of millions) due to binge drinking at midnight on their 21st. This law is supposed to prevent that.

Of course, it won't, and here's why:

1) College students drink anyway, regardless of what the law says.
2) College bars really don't give a damn 90% of the time.
3) In theory, at 8am the bars won't be open, but who needs bars when your friend shows up with a handle of Jack Daniels?
4) The bars will eventually open again on their birthday (I promise) and they will go out and do exactly what you're trying to prevent -- ever heard of delaying the inevitable?

Anyway, the point of all this, is that, well, the longer you make us wait to drink, the more we are going to drink when we get the chance. Its kind of backward to what you would expect, I know, but, well, deal with it.

Not that many people are reading this, but I urge EVERYONE who is, to contact someone in power who might give a damn about them, or at least pretend to, and give them a piece of their mind. Stand up for your rights to drink and have a good time, before this whole country forgets how to party.

This was a rare occasion of seriousity from 'ole Brian. I promise to never do it again.

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