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Enemy of the Academic |
Click Here and You Might Win a Free iPodPosted at 10:45 PM By: Brian [link] Email This Post I guess if you are still reading this, then you are wondering why you didn't win a free iPod... Well, its because your mom had an affair with a hobo from the Bronx which permanently soiled her cooter, and now God hates you. So, moving on to more important matters, I'll tell you a little bit about Barcelona, and what I discovered. I learned the following: 1) Sangria can come in a can but if you're a tourist they'll pour it into a pitcher with ice and lemon bits for you. Of course, in addition to being an asshole tourist and demanding English from people whose first two languages are Spanish and Catalan, the purpose of my trip was to see Queen, or what remains of it, perform live. I am not a Queen fan, per se -- I mean, I respect any band that has TWO songs on the "Jock Jams" CD, but outside of Bohemian Rhapsody, I'm clueless. I'd also like to add that I in no way support Fat Bottom Girls, nor do I think that they aid the rockin' world in any way. That said, the concert was pretty good, and I managed to learn that asking for "Potato Chips" at a Spanish concession stand WILL result in one receiving a bag of potato chips of the delightfully ruffled kind. So, with that, my confused pointing and angry gesturing, I managed to overcome a language barrier. In Barcelona the local beer is called "Damm." I just thought that was cool.
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