Enemy of the Academic
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Friday, April 23, 2004  

I stole this!

Posted at 12:46 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I stole this from Rollie's Bitchin' Page, Rollie has been known to come up with the occasional Gem, and besides, my job is currently sucking all of the creative juices from my soul.

"Ah yes, "The Rule of Thumb" where does this phrase come from... Well, there are many sites with all this crap, but I am going to go along with some oldschool law. I don't give a rats ass if it is English Common Law or a really old US law, or even if it was not a law it was acceptable. The Rule of Thumb states, I husband was allowed to beat his wife if the stick in question was no thicker than the diameter of his thumb. This means that I could beat my wife with a much bigger stick than all my friends, this simply reaffirms that my stick is much bigger than all my friends... Back to the Rule of Thumb, I guess that might be a good that we can no longer beat our wives, but what about other domestic abuse? There are some manly chicks out in the world, how come we never hear about husband beaters?

Shit, look at that manly chick, yes that's a girl/woman/not man... I know she probably comes home from the gym, cracks open a cold one, turns on the game, and beats the crap out of her husband. I would not want to cross it in a dark ally, light ally, ever... So spousal abuse goes both ways I'm sure. Now what about children? Maddox has some insight for us about beating children. For the record his site is great, but amazingly wrong, so if I think it is wrong you'll probably burn for reading it, that said, enjoy.

Then there is always the 180 of the wonderful world of child abuse, parental abuse. By the nature of being a teenage you are already abusive, but nothing that leaves marks as reminders of what not to do. I walked past a tour group on campus today. Parents can be so annoying, they point out the most useless things, like the academic buildings and they are just basically not cool at all times. The child, in this case a son, should have told his mom to sit her ass back in the car and wait until he is done with the tour. Then once he gets with the tour he should have went back to the car and given a long and demeaning talk with cruel hopes of his mom talking back, and the second she tries to open her mouth shut it with the searing pain of four fingers and an opposable digit. I bet after 1 or 2 school tours that mom would sit in the car where she belongs. Kids really need to lay down the law more, so next time a parent mouths off to you, let them know that you are in your prime and they are not. In the immortal world of Rick James, "What did the five fingers say to the face...?" SLAP!"

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