Enemy of the Academic
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Wednesday, April 07, 2004  

What the Hell?

Posted at 12:45 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Ok, so my friend has in his possession a chocolate Easter Egg that is labeled as "Kosher for Passover." I mean, seriously though, folks, since when do Jews celebrate Passover with giant chocolate eggs? Its called an Easter Egg, not a Passover Egg, they should toss some pork in them just to get the point across.

Easter is the holiday where Christians celebrate the fact that they aren't celebrating Passover. Hence why it was designed as a polar opposite. Jews have bitter herbs while Christians eat chocolate. Jews have a guy wearing a yarmulke, Christians have the Easter Bunny. Jews celebrate their escape from Egypt with somber ceremony, while Christian's celebrate the death of their messiah with brightly colored eggs and furry animals. Polar opposites, you can see.

So what's next? Christmas Matzoh? Non-Alcoholic Gin?

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