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Enemy of the Academic |
Glad You Missed Me...Posted at 1:38 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post That was fun. I had a five day weekend, and it was beautiful. I managed to get plenty of sleep, and polish off a couple pounds of cheetos. I like to make sure that, even if I don't get the recommended daily dosages of iron, sugar, or vitamin C, my scurvy ass will always get 250% of the recommended daily dosage of cholesterol. Good cholesterol or bad, it doesn't matter to me, if I wrote the dictionary, its definition would be "yummy."
I would also redefine brussel sprouts as, "a confectionary treat made from melted and colored sugar, and spun into a cottony consistency." I mean, my childhood could have been so much better had Mr. Webster caught on to this brilliant plan of mine.
The idea is that we can make the world a better place by redefining things. For example, diet wouldn't mean, "a plan of weight loss," it would mean, "dinner at KFC tonight." Taxes would mean, "a mode of sexual stimulation where the penis is fellated by a female's mouth." I mean, we can take all of the bad things and turn them into good things with a couple quick key strokes.
Think about it this way Mr. Webster, you can even toss in a few for yourself. For example, perhaps the definition of "Dictionary Editor," could become, "a wily wildebeest of a man with extraordinary sexual potency who is intensely irresistible to female humans." Huh? That works right? Just as long as my brussel sprouts start rotting my teeth, we'll be square.
It looks like in my absence you peons all had a maelstrom of those 3 consecutive replies to my Easter egg post. Thanks, I appreciate the religious fervor and grammatical corrections.
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