Enemy of the Academic
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004  

Haha! A Random Website Says I'm Manly as Hell...

Posted at 1:34 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Check this shit out:

You Don't Even Know Any Metrosexuals!

You're a man's man who could intimidate John Wayne.

You've got the charm to impress women, more than any pretty boy.

Women flock to a stud like you, even if you refust to take them dancing.

You have a mojo all your own, without having to primp or moisturize.

Are You a Metrosexual? Take This Quiz :-)

Some sissy little girly website is astounded by my ultimate manliness. It was a quiz to determine one's ultimate status as a "metrosexual" or not. Metrosexual is of course another way of saying castrated. After taking this test, it is painfully obvious that I am the pinnacle of manliness, thats right, I am a lumberjack!

Lumberjacks are the manliest of men. They are the polar opposite of homosexuals, and they are surely not by any means pussies. A lumberjack can kick almost any man's ass, they wear the manliest clothing (jeans and flannel... garments designed to keep your testosterone in, while keeping estrogen out), they work in the woods and get paid for hitting trees with an axe.

Lumberjacks don't shower for weeks at a time, and when they have free time, they drink beer by the keg. Lumberjacks also get all of the women, because their testosterone can be smelled from a mile away.

And the point is that I am a lumberjack.

Click on some of those "extra-good links" if you love me. Also, feel free to email me at Brian[at] to ask me what the fuck is going on with this post.

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