Enemy of the Academic
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Wednesday, February 25, 2004  

You Are A Dumbass and I Hate You

Posted at 12:44 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I work in tech support and here is an "open letter" to all of the dumbasses that call us.

Dear Retards:

You are really starting to frost my wiener. You act like a hyperactive kid whose parents accidentally gave Pixy Stix instead of Ritalin. You don't listen to a damn thing we tell you to do, then cry to us when things go wrong. Maybe mommy gives a fuck when you fall off the monkey bars, but I am not your mommy -- I could never grow a mustache like that.

This week we sent you emails, we told you how not to get the virus. We said, "if you open the attachment you will get the virus," and you managed to get it anyway. We told you which emails contained it, and you ignored us, and now you want us to fix it.

Well, fuck you, crybaby pussies. We tried to warn you, but now your computers are fucked, and there's nothing we can do to help you. You all use computers like women use cars -- without a damn clue as to how they work.


Thanks for letting me vent. By the way, I will be taking next week off, its Spring Break and I plan on having better things to do. Eh, also, Click my links.

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