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Enemy of the Academic |
Don't Crack Wise with Me, Boy...Posted at 11:50 PM By: Brian [link] Email This Post What's wrong with this picture: I had a quiz at 4:00, and at 3:24 I still hadn't studied... If you're answer is, "nothing," then maybe I'll give you partial credit, but the real answer is that my quiz never materialized. Thats right, I was expecting a proctored quiz today, which is why I opted to learn how to play "Breakfast at Tiffany's" on my guitar today instead of studying, but none-the-less, that quiz never materialized.
You are probably wondering why that is a problem. Well, you see, I didn't need to go to class today, had I known there was no quiz, I could have done one of the following things:
1) Taken a nap So, I walked out. Like what any self-respecting slacker would do. Some say I am wasting my god-given talents, I say, "hell no, I burp the pledge of allegiance every morning!" You'd be hard pressed to tell me that your knowledge of Physics or American History could ever possibly trump that one, my friend.
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