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Enemy of the Academic |
An Irishman Walked into a Bar...Posted at 12:29 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post Damn. You know what frosts my wiener pretty good? School. I know what you are thinking, "no fucking shit, your site is ','" and you would be absolutely correct. Thank you for being so observant.
This is one of those weeks where everyone expects something of you that they should know they are never going to get. "Read these pages, take this quiz, write me a paper, do your speech on a serious topic instead of talking about your shoelaces..." I mean, what do these people want from me? Do they think I am here to put in thousands of hours of meaningless work that essentially accomplishes nothing that hasn't been accomplished before by somebody else who actually gave a shit?
Honestly, if I am going to pursue a pointless endeavor, one of the following things better happen: 1) I get paid for it, 2)I have fun doing it, or 3) It looks really good in a mini-skirt. Since school never completes #1 and 2, and only rarely completes #3 (often after a bottle of Jose "el Diablo" Cuervo), you can safely assume that I won't be allowing myself to get too overly busy with my school work.
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