Enemy of the Academic
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Sunday, February 15, 2004  


Posted at 10:33 PM
By: Brian [link]
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My slacking has finally gotten the better of me. I have to write about twelve "journal entries" for tomorrow, because I opted to not do the readings/write the entries before each class. I hate this sort of shit, because it is collected, and collected means mandatory, and mandatory means that I don't have enough caffeine in me to counteract a long day of video games and beating it.

Hence why I am posting this update on the Sunday half of Sunday night, although I intend to call it my Monday update. Its like when you get the February edition of a magazine in January. They know they aren't fooling anyone, but they do it anyway.

[Lennon]: yo
[Lennon]: IM Joshman140
[Lennon]: just say anything
[Lennon]: it doesn't matter just do it

[Brian]: You Suck
Joshman140 (9:58:15 AM): ill fucking kill you
Joshman140 (9:58:34 AM): kill you you fuck who the fuck is this ill kil you
Joshman140 (9:58:35 AM): =\1]

[Lennon]: seems you may have pissed off someone lastnight
[Brian]: who was I AIMing, btw?
[Lennon]: my roomate
[Brian]: awesome
[Lennon]: what did you say
[Brian]: You Suck
[Lennon]: is that all you said/
[Lennon]: ?
[Lennon]: he was so pissed
[Brian]: yeah
[Lennon]: heh, what a freakin douche
[Lennon]: he was pounding the keyboard and cursing and telling me not to give away his screename
[Lennon]: "You don't just give away my screenname"
[Lennon]: heh, what a douche
[Brian]: lol
[Brian]: thats great
[Brian]: wait until I post his screenname on

Want to help me out? The following things would be helpful:
1) Click on the "Extra-Good Links"
2) Contact the Late Show with David Letterman, and tell them to hire me. (212-975-5806, ask for Janice)
3) Send an IM to my buddy Joshman140
4) Send me an email at:

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