Enemy of the Academic
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Tuesday, February 17, 2004  

Why I Hate Tuesdays

Posted at 7:01 AM
By: Brian [link]
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On my average Tuesday, I don't start classes until 1:00, but I don't finish them until 8:50. For you math majors out there, thats 8 hours of hell. The worst part is, that, because I don't start until 1pm, I am usually well rested for them, which means no convenient naps during the course of the day. Frankly, who cares to stay awake for a 3 hour long session on Ethics? I prefer to take a page out of that Enron guy's book, forget ethics, just make a crapload of money, then blame it on someone else.

In addition to classes, on a tuesday, that crazy old thing that we like to call "free time" is usually filled with the wonderful world of work. Why should I care though, I mean, I LOVE my job... oh yeah, computer support, nothing makes you feel more needed than someone who comes to you crying because she can't burn that Avril Lavigne album that she downloaded on Kazaa. How can that ever get old? I mean, the joy of being responsible for a campus of about 10,000 students, and god-knows how many non-english-speaking professors, and all of their computational foibles, is such an overwhelming feeling of bliss. In other words, this campus is very lucky I am not armed.

At six o'clock, I get to, once again, experience the joy of learning about philosophy from a man who was born in Iran, raised in France, and somehow managed to convince this university that he could teach a class in English. As if philosophy wasn't needlessly complex already, now I have to struggle to determine if my professor said Aristotle or ass-throttle. You might think that "ass-throttle" is an unlikely term for a professor to use during a class, but you don't know this professor.

Hey, feel free to email me at Brian[at] and I will post your email right here on this site, making you the next best thing to world-famous. Or, if thats too much work, then hey, why not click on my "extra good" links?

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