Enemy of the Academic
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Thursday, March 11, 2004  

Midterm Grade: 9

Posted at 12:58 AM
By: Brian [link]
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You know you are just plain "the man," when you get your Film Analysis midterm back and right smack on top of it is the number 9, not followed by anything else, just simply hanging out there by itself. Maybe its having a cigarette break or something, who knows, that number is a freakin' rebel. A arithmetic James Dean (and I don't mean the sausage guy).

So thats what I woke up to this morning, a (albeit predicted) horrifying failure in what is largely viewed as a "joke" class. I admit it, I didn't watch the crappy-ass movies, and I sure as hell didn't read the text, but come on now, its a "fine arts" class, thats a B or better just for waking up at 10am to show up for a tenth of the classes. In fact, I'm sure it says that in the official student handbook, its right after the part where they tell you not to bring your hookah to the dining hall.

Not that I intend to lose any sleep over it. Actually, I took a pretty decent nap in that class about half a minute after she gave the exam back to us. Of course, that didn't really help when I tried to bargain with her for a better grade.

Click my "Extra Good" links if you want to help me out. I know you want to help me out...

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