Enemy of the Academic
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Wednesday, March 10, 2004  

I'm All Out of Bubblegum

Posted at 12:36 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I hate the idea of working all summer and making a grand total of zero dollars, but thanks to my major, that's essentially going to be the plan. a smart guy would have majored in finance or accounting... you know, majors that have paid internships. Not me, I chose communications. Why? Because my lazy ass needs more TV and Cheetos.

Lets not kid ourselves though... I mean, it's going to see a ton of that in its lifespan (TV and Cheetos, that is.) because I am fucking positive that I am now completely unemployable. The liberal arts are a great thing in this way, you see, this is how it works: you go ahead and major in one of these subjects because you are a lazy fuck, and what the hell, they're easy; then, you pay the school about $130 thousand over four years; at this point, you start sending resumes out to a whole array of companies who don't want to hire you. This leaves you with three options, 1) Becoming a teacher of whatever Bullshit subject you got a degree in, 2) Painting houses for a living, or 3) Getting an MBA (also known as a "real degree" by some).

Is there any way to stop the pain train? Sure. You can get internships, or a business major, or god knows what. The point, however is that all of it requires me to exert effort NOW, and that will never work, because you see, I have a procrastinator's outlook on life.

A true procrastinator is well aware of the shit that is about to hit the fan. The difference between a procrastinator and a "Real Student" is that the procrastinator is really comfortable watching the Back to the Future trilogy on TBS, and really would prefer to have to shake off the fanned shit at a later date, rather than miss half of the movie while he gets an umbrella.

Click my "extra good" links, and for godsakes, feel free to send me those emails!

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