Enemy of the Academic
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Saturday, May 03, 2003  

Posted at 2:14 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Study Schmuddy

Exams on a saturday? What the fuck, are you kidding me? You can't be serious - so I have to wake up at 9am on a saturday? I have to study on a friday? What the fuck was the registrar smoking when they came up with this scheme?

These, and more questions were what was racing through my mind when I was told that, sadly, my Calc 2 exam was scheduled for Saturday morning. I mean really, what if I were Jewish? Damn insensitive Catholic university...

So anyway, the point of all this is that I have an exam tomorrow... an exam that - at 2:01am - I have not yet studied for. As is often the case (this being a Calc exam), I fully plan on failing this, hence the lack of studying. I mean, if you know you are going to bomb a final, why not make it a nuke, right?

After this exam, I get sunday off. Very nice of them... then on monday night (night!) I have a philosophy exam - many texts for this one (none of which I have read), but so far I am running an A- in that class, so I figure I should be able to bullshit my way into a B- on the exam. Afterwards, this will be followed by two more days of ass-raping (Chem on Tuesday, and Genetics on Wednesday), which will complete the superfecta. Then, on Wednesday afternoon, I will ride off into the sunset - and by sunset, I mean Jersey Turnpike - and head home.

Oh, and both of the 6 page papers that I had due last week ended up being 4 pages. In the spirit of randomness:

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