Enemy of the Academic
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Saturday, April 26, 2003  

Posted at 11:50 PM
By: Brian [link]
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How to Know You are Ready For College

Someone posed the question on the BBS, "How do you know you are ready for college?" The following list is the answer:

- the three second rule becomes the 10 second rule

- you start smelling laundry before you wear it

- you can wipe your ass with sandpaper instead of 2-ply (dont even get me started on the toilet paper here)

- febreeze becomes a "shower in a bottle"

- you can sleep all day while the sun is shining in your room, but can't fall asleep in complete darkness

-start homework/projects the day they are due AND get them done

- (living in an apt.) you ration your food for the week b/c you're broke....can of green beans, 3 pieces of bread, peanut butter, powerded lemonade, box of pasta & some left over sauce..and you make it!

- you sleep w/ stuff all over your bed

- you don't go out till midnight

- you have $10 and you need shampoo and deodorant...but you opt to get beer and cigarettes instead

- cleaning your trashed room takes INSANE amounts of priority over the paper due in 5 hours

- classes that don't have a mandatory attendance policy are extremely optional

- taking out the trash/vacuming is a once every couple of months thing

- you've looked at your watch during your last exam of the year and thought "I can start drinking in 2 hours"... even if the exam started at 9am

- you can sit through anything for free food

- you will sit through anything for free food

- you rent an apartment or house just because it has laundry or is close to the bars
you invent a game for eveything, just so it makes drinking that much more fun.

- you know atleast 20 people with nicknames that more than likely were given to them while they were intoxicated.

- you can live through a weekend of alcohol shits.

- you can successfully walk to the Diner, eat, and walk back --all while intoxicated.

- you are OK with taking a shower after your classes are done

- drunk pictures outnumber sober ones

- you wear your pj's to class not because you woke up 5 mins before class, but because the professor puts you to you might as well be comfortable

- a nap is mandatory part of your day

- when describing how you did on an exam the words "ass" "anal" "raped" and "bent over" usually fall into the description somewhere.

- you know atleast 30 people that commonly say "dude," "bro," and "pimp."

- you exchange AIM screennames instead of digits

- you leave your computer on instant messenger all day long.

- you were too tired to go to chemistry, but not so tired that beirut is out of the question.

- have aquired an amazing ability to conceal stolen glasses/trays/cutlery from the cafeteria - they rip you off anyway

Special Thanks to everyone I stole from to make this list

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Tom's Website
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