Enemy of the Academic
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Thursday, April 17, 2003  

Posted at 5:25 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Yup, I'm still feeling lazy, but don't fret... I am posting an article I wrote for the Villanova Times Opinion section to give y'all something to read. There, happy now?

College campuses across the country have been temporarily redecorated these last few weeks with chalk protests, written by their students. Students feel the need to voice their opinions through Neanderthal chalk sketches and catchy slogans.

Two schools in Massachusetts are among the exceptions to this trend. Babson College Student Bradd Gross stated. “I wrote [expletive] over school, like Michael Moore’s quote. Since many students here are for the war, I thought I’d try to help balance it out.” While his classmate Brett Golbert simply replied, “{expletive] no.” Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) is perhaps even more adamantly in favor of the war. WPI freshman Peter Serano reported that. “WPI is so conservative, its ridiculous,” referring to the noticeable lack of protest on his campus.

Elsewhere however, it is a different story. Rutgers University junior Mary DelGiudice reports that there are a demonstrations scheduled at her school. Although there are no visible chalk-protests, she went on the record stating. “If I see any, I’m going to go power-wash it off.” A Catholic University freshman, Gregory Farmer, also expressed a penchant for removing the anti-war chalk on his campus, stating, “I attempt to wipe it off.”

So what do these chalk protests say? Do they perhaps provide their viewers with well thought out arguments against this war? Absolutely not. Primarily these markings consist of cheesy slogans like “the pope says nope,” “Science for Healthcare, Not Bombs.” “You + Me = Love,” and the ever popular “Make Love Not War.” These content-less slogans are only a portion of what can be seen however, there is also a large subset of liberal anti-war propaganda designed to scare the viewer to the cause, rather than to convince them with real evidence. Things such as chalk outlines of human bodies can be seen as nearby as Rosemont College.

So why are college campuses inflicted with this chalk-propaganda campaign? Perhaps it is because students are too lazy to stage real protests. More likely it is that these students really have no good reason for opposing the war, they simply spout out the slogans provided to them by the left wing kooks who are so influential among college-age students.
It seems to me that there is no real intelligent discourse on this matter; modern college students are simply reiterating the actions and the slogans of their parent’s generation, except this time, exhibiting far less effort. Furthermore, all these protests truly serve the purpose of egging our enemies on; and America has a lot of enemies. Not just the Iraqi’s but also every nation that has a grudge against us; they will see that we are not a solid front and they will be encouraged to contribute to efforts against us. It happened in Vietnam, the protests were what kept the North Vietnamese in the war after their spectacular failure in the Tet Offensive.

So instead of continuing to encourage the brainwashing of our nation’s brightest students with the propaganda machine of anti-war-chalk, why not sit in comfortable chairs and have a lively discussion on the matter? Perhaps those students who feel strongly about the anti-war movement could take the time to write an editorial for the newspaper and provide an intelligent argument, rather than simply writing canned slogans like “the Pope says Nope” all over campus.

I Promise something good tomorrow... probably...

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