Enemy of the Academic
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Thursday, April 10, 2003  

Posted at 3:40 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I Got Lost Today..

I got lost today when I went on my little adventure to Philadelphia. Actually, I found what I was looking for in Philly with pinpoint acuracy, then I decided to take a new way back. I ended up so far away from where I needed to be that the Indian gas station attendant hadn't even heard of the road I was looking for.

At least this gas station attendant spoke english, but it was still kind of hard to tell what the hell he was saying through the 6 inch bullet-proof glass wall that was between me and him. I felt like I was talking to Bombay's version of Darth Vader. Apu... I... am... your... faaatthheer...

What really pisses me off about classes is that you can't always easily start a conversation with the hot girl in the class. I mean, you can't assume that they are so uninterested in the class that they would appreciate some friendly chatter during the lecture - you have to flag them down after class - not always easy, and the old-school conversation starters don't necessarily work, you can't just make some witty response to the teachers lecture, like "predestination.. more like premesstination..." or the like, you have to make a worthwhile comment - thats not cool.

Then, of course, there is the transition from "god that lecture was soo boring today" to "what's your phone number" (or extension - this is college...); Its like the news anchor trying to make a segue between a story about some cute kitten that dialed 911 and saved its owner's life, to a story about a homicidal cannibalistic serial-murderer. Its damn near impossible. so you have to change the subject to some intermediate subject first, which takes time - meanwhile your average post-class conversation is often brief.

Finally, check this out - why? Because I love you.


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