Enemy of the Academic
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Friday, April 04, 2003  

Posted at 4:20 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Fuck It, Here is Your Update

OK, so I was trying to study tonight, and when I realized that I was basically pulling an all-nighter, I decided to throw caution to the wind and update my weblog for y'all, even though I had previously intended not to.

My original intention was to quickly toss up a list of things that suck, but that list just isn't materializing in a way that doesn't suck. That's right friends, the list of things that suck, sucked. Irony? Perhaps, more likely it is the fact that it is 4 am and I have not yet slept.

Today I have to take a genetics exam, that sucks; but what sucks more is the Philosophy class that I have before it, which, btw, I won't be prepared for, thank-you-very-much. Good thing I get a head start on all of those assignments, huh? After that, I have to head over to the library and do some stupid busy-work "get-to-know-the-library" assignment that the University assigned for me, how nice of them.

Then I have to go home, yes, I see the lameness in it all, I am going home for the weekend, AGAIN; but I swear on this copy of the Communist Manifesto, that was assigned to me by my Philosophy professor, that I will stay at school for the rest of the school year. (Well I'll probably head home over Easter, but whatever, nobody will be on campus). Anyway, I have an excuse or two for this trip, so its all good.

Its at this point that I realize that I've just killed 15 minutes writing this... Wow. how time flies when you are pretending to study...

Time to continue fighting my battle with sleep. Ahh Sleep deprivation - College Tradition # 207....

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