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Enemy of the Academic |
Posted at 3:27 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post Another Boring UpdateNEWSFLASH:THE BUD MAN READ MY WEBLOG!
I realized how truly stubborn I am when it comes to a challenge. Its 3am, and I have been trying to hack my friend’s computer since 11:30, because he challenged me to do so. I’ve never hacked into anything before – I’ve never wanted to hack into anything before, but tonight it was a challenge. So although I was completely uninformed on the methods of accomplishing this, I went ahead and spent most of the night on it. Now whatever gave me the idea that I could learn to hack in a few hours, I don’t know, but at least I still know more about this shit than Lennon.
How is it that I can get so easily off-track by an impossible (for me) challenge. Perhaps it’s the definitive lack of anything better to do? Or rather, we could say, anything I would rather do. Somehow it seems that good grades de-motivate me; so today’s 93 on my chemistry exam (so what if I am rubbing it in, this is a rare occurrence for me), has caused me to lose all desire to complete my lab report for tomorrow.
So the class lists (with pictures!) were posted for next semester today. It seems that all of my classes consist of ugly or picture-less people. I swear one chick in there is really a dude. That’s the worst thing ever, the chick that looks like a dude, they are 1000 times worse than a normal ugly chick, because they confuse you. There have been cases where I have spent months without being able to determine the gender of an individual. Then again, I never really tried too hard to figure it out. I mean, who really wants to know?
Contest:Hack into and make it redirect to a porn site and I will immortalize you in my weblog
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