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Enemy of the Academic |
Posted at 3:48 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post Frankie Says Relax!Some people don't know how to relax. They stress out over stupid shit, like their grades. Grades just aren't worth stressing over, its more educational to fail a few tests than to get straight A's, why? It teaches you what your limits are. If you completely blow off studying, and fail a test, then you know that in the future, a repeat of that will likely lead to the same end. Thats why we should all fail a few classes - it will make us far more efficient as a society.
Now that that has been settled, I have decided not to study for my chemistry quiz. Its far too much effort for me to actually open a book, so I will go in cold-turkey in the morning. Its just a quiz, right? Right. Someone actually suggested that I pull an all-nighter to study for this. HA! An all-nighter for a quiz - that presumes I care all-too-much about my grade in chemistry, which I have already resigned to being a C.
Meanwhile, I am faced with the stark reality that perhaps AOL Instant Messenger isn't the sainted program that I once viewed it as. Although I'd have to say that 98% of my entertainment is generated through Instant Messenger, it potentially does more harm than good. For example: you are writing a paper, its 11pm or so, and someone instant messenges you - next thing you know its 6am, and you have less than half of you paper done, due at 8:30. People who don't fall into this trap obviously have some super-human socialization-avoidance power, or perhaps they actually enjoy doing their work (losers). This of course happens to me on a regular basis; perhaps I need more will-power.
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