Enemy of the Academic
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Wednesday, April 23, 2003  

Posted at 1:36 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Brian Is Screwed Yet Again...

no, not literally...

Embarrassing Moment: So today, I was on my way over to the Connolly Center (I'm not exactly sure what the purpose of that building is, but they have food and coffee, so I keep my mouth shut) to get some lunch. Now, there happens to be this stupid chain barrier around the grassy region in front of my dorm. While this is likely designed to protect the grass from assholes like me, I can't help but to ignore the barrier that is assumed by this chain and cross over the grass anyway, its more direct - I like efficiency. Usually I don't just step over the chain, although this would be wholly possible - I have to be bad-ass, so I usually take a short (two step) run-up, then step with one foot on the chain itself, balancing perfectly for a split-second, and then hop down to the ground on the other side, thereby completing my theatrical performance. However, today's trip to the Connolly Center resulted in my foot not clearing the chain, and myself tripping, head first over the chain.

One passer-by was kind enough to laugh his ass off. End Embarrassing Moment

So anyway, my philosophy professor cancelled class tomorrow. I am beyond excited, because I do not have, nor have I ever had, any interest in waking up and listening to her bitch about phallogocentric politics at 8am... Phallogocentric, you ask? What could that possibly mean? Yeah, ask someone that didn't sleep through that lecture.

It also seems that my Core Humanities class, which (btw) is also really just a philosophy class in disguise, requires me to submit something called an "abstract" - a description of what I intend to accomplish - for my research paper... tomorrow. Actually today, if you consider that it is currently 2am. Anyway, the point is that I have no idea what I am going to do for this project. I have 22 hours to figure that out.

Change of Subject Since I stopped wearing a watch, my cellphone has become my primary source of an answer to the question, "what time is it?" Normally the phone is quite accurate at answering this question - but now I can't seem to set it to the right time. It refuses to have the right time. I change it so it is correct, but the next time I look at it, it will be an hour behind. Damn phone... and I used to laugh at people who couldn't set the clock on their VCR, now I feel like one of them.

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