Enemy of the Academic
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Thursday, April 24, 2003  

Posted at 1:57 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Interviewing for the "Bling Bling"...

So today was Balloon day. What does that mean to me? Absolutely nothing, other than the fact that I had to wade through a crowd and duck under a failing balloon-arch to get to class this morning.

I had a job interview with UNiT today - that would be the campus tech support folks for the uninitiated. Why? The easy answer is that I was running low on cash around spring break, and decided that I should work. The longer answer is that when I'm not in class, I really don't have anything better to do, I mean, god knows I'm not reading the texts/writing/or studying at all in my free time. Anyway, the interview started off pretty good; I impressed the interviewer with the fact that I had actually used MS-DOS - apparently, most people haven't. thats a shame. It ended on what I consider a sour note, he asked me if I had any questions for him... yikes! I mean, fuck, I'm the one who is being interviewed, by definition that means that he is supposed to ask ME questions, not vice versa. Imagine what would happen if Barbara Walters started asking her interviewees if they had any questions for her... wouldn't seem right, now would it?

My calc professor apparently thinks my name is Justin. I'm fine with that. I held the door for him this morning when he happened to be behind me walking into the science buildning, and he said, "thanks justin." I replied, "no problem." Why didn't I correct him? First, I didn't feel like it. Second, I don't really care if he knows my name, besides, its better if he thinks I am Justin, now I can be a complete ass to him, and when it comes time to put down a grade for Brian, I'll be just fine; meanwhile the real Justin will get screwed - sucks for him.

This one is for everyone who went to C.B.A. (don't forget to clap):

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