Enemy of the Academic
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Thursday, May 08, 2003  

Posted at 5:19 PM
By: Brian [link]
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Its Over Now - So Would You Like Fries with That?

So its summer - a time of the year that brings joy to the hearts of many. In college, this means its time to chug the rest of your Keystone or Natty Light, get up off your "freshman 15"-inflated ass, and find a "god-damned job, you bum" (well, thats what my dad said to me, anyway.

Searching for a job is like buying a greeting card, at first you look at a few and consider your options. (Do I get a funny one, or a sentimental one? Is Snoopy too cartoonish for my grandma, or will she appreciate his childish charm?). Eventually though, you get pissed off and/or desperate, at which point you most likely take whatever damn job is available. This of course is McDonald's only source of employees in the suburbs; kids who are too lazy to find a better job.

Of course, normally I avoid anything that seems like it might require my effort, full attention or consciousness, but my desperate lack of cash at this point is certainly not encouraging.

A job isn't however the only challenge I plan on "tackling" this summer. I will also be taking some classes at Monmouth University, the closest non-community college to my home. Which classes, you ask? Spanish 1&2, as well as Music Appreciation. This should lead to 9 credits transferred to my Villanova transcript. Now, if you are wondering why I am "challenging" myself academically this summer, I'll tell you why. It has nothing to do with a love of learning, and it really has nothing to do with an interest in taking those classes. Its all about graduating early, and those 9 credits, set me solidly 1 semester ahead. Its like when you were a little kid and you got brussels sprouts (or another undesirable) for dinner - you didn't spend a lot of time chewing, you did just enough chewing to make sure you didn't choke on them, then swallowed, minimizing the duration of the sprout-taste.

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