Enemy of the Academic
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Friday, March 19, 2004  

OOH, Snow

Posted at 12:52 AM
By: Brian [link]
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The 15th potential snow day of the semester has arrived. Will it actually result in a cancellation of classes, and a wild and crazy party of epic proportions being held in a winter wonderland of ice-palaces and ever-chilled kegs? Not likely.

Why? Because Villanova University has fallen on hard times, seeing as how our Basketball team blows more than a Harlem crack whore on a spending spree. This means that they want to get the most out of every semester -- the result? The ultimate stinginess when it comes to snow days. In fact, although this is a Catholic institution, when dealing with snow days we might as well be Yeshiva...

None-the-less, even if the all hell were to break loose and Father Dobbin were to "raid the rabbi," it still wouldn't do me any good. You see, when I scheduled classes for this semester, I had the foresight to realize that friday classes are for computer engineers, and other people who don't associate with anything that doesn't have a power-chord. So, I will get a day off from nothing tomorrow. Yay?

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