Enemy of the Academic
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Wednesday, March 12, 2003  

Posted at 11:50 PM
By: Brian [link]
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Midterm Grades... Good Times?

Today is a day that shall live in infamy -- I got my midterm grades today... wow... I need to try some of that "studying". Definitely. I'll start that this weekend, probably. I have a myriad of midterms on monday/tuesday. I just keep telling myself, it'll all be over soon, drink another beer, then I realize that there is a shortage of beer, and that if I keep telling myself that, I'm gonna run out real soon.

I hate the runaround - you know who you are.

In other news, I was thinking back to the olden days this afternoon, back in the 80's and early 90's... For example, the first movie I ever saw in the theatre was "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", we were so easily entertained back then, I know, but consider the shit that kids obsess about nowadays, like pokemen and whatever else... Whats the difference you ask? Isn't children's programming just as shitty/lame as it ever was? Yes, but, in my day our cartoon characters killed each other, plain and simple, and they used sharp weapons or guns to do it. None of this pussy-assed pikachu shit. And our cartoons weren't nearly as annoying. I can't help but being pissed off every time I hear a kid talking about their pokemen or whatever the fuck they watch nowadays; and they just don't shut up about it either, its just a non-stop holler-fest to see how much they can say about some cartoon drawn by crackhead Japanese cartoonists.

Before I go, one last note to Berto... Yeah, good thing you have a few dozen pictures of your drug-paraphrenalia on your FCL (school-sponsored) website... Babson will never catch on.

shoot me

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