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Enemy of the Academic |
Posted at 1:27 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post And then there was one...Beer that is... I started the day with a solid 6-pack left. now, I have one; and believe me its not going to last long... College life. I have a paper due on wednesday, a lab, also due wednesday, and exams on thursday and friday... College life. Will I put a significant amount of effort into any of them? No. Why? College life.
Whats the most disturbing thing about tonight's drinking binge? I'm not drunk. I'm not even close to buzzed. Why is that? College life.
College life is my new excuse for just about everything, and why not? College is supposed to be the greatest time of our lives, but in reality, its nothing but yet another hassle we have to deal with. I'm sure I am a "special case" of sorts, being significantly less versed in the arts of binge drinking and random hook-ups, but what the hell. Its College life, so maybe its time I learned, right? Wrong, I refuse to lower myself to the retarded standard set by my peers. The fact is that College life isn't Animal House and it probably will never be like that. Try as we might, its just not gonna happen. So I don't intend on having fun here at college. So far, instances of fun are few and far between, and I have no reason to believe that they won't stay that way.
Wasn't life so much more fun when you were a kid? There were no complications in life, you watched your cartoons, you threw things at the girls during recess, and everyone was happy. Unless you were the guy being picked on, but who cares about him, he got over it, right? Anyway, we all grew up, times changed, we stopped throwing things at the girls, we stopped having recess all together. And what the fuck happened to He-Man? It seems that as I got older, the popular cartoons got worse and worse. I don't even know what kids watch these days, but its got to suck in comparison to the epic battle that was He-Man vs. Skeletor. I mean, come-on, and don't forget those choice crossover episodes where She-rah (or however the hell it was spelled) would join forces with our extra-masculine hero and help him to save the day. Remember the suspense? Wondering each week if our heroes would finally put an end to the evil eminating from Castle Greyskull? God that was a great show...
I believe in fate. I decided that today. It just seems to make sense, I mean, we can predict the movements of atoms, and people are made of atoms, so therefore all of our actions must therefore be predictable, and if that is the case, then we are certainly predestined for a certain fate. The problem is that we may never know what our fate is going to be until it occurs. Not even our intuition can truly predict our fate, because your intuition is a thought process spurred by the movements of the same molecules that make up the rest of your body, and therefore intuition is also the product of these movement. In theory, science should be able to predict the future of mankind, to the minutest detail if this is in fact the case, but the chances of anyone putting significant efforts into that prediction are unlikely. Besides, would you really want to know your future?
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Beer Makes me sleepy!
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